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Evaluation the effects of fungicide Iprodione-Carbendazim (Rovral TS) on cucumber rhizosphere bacterial structure by Illumina MiSeq sequencing (14130 Views)
Survey of nitrogen fixation on endophytes isolated from root nodules of alder and service (10467 Views)
Transformation of Hepatitis B Virus surface antigen (HBsAg) gene into Tobacco plants (8750 Views)
Cloning, bioinformatics study and gene expression evaluation of Squalene Synthase 1 in Iranian native licorice (8522 Views)
The activity of ascorbate peroxidase (Cm APX) enzyme and expression level of it's encoding gene in salt stress condition in three Sistan melon Landraces (Cucumis malo L.) (8240 Views)
Evaluation of the effect of salinity on the germination and expression of antioxidant genes in two cultivars of tomato plant (7906 Views)
Production of Potato Resistant Plant to PVX using an RNA Silencing Mechanism (7841 Views)
The antioxidative effect of some shoot and root inducers in Pistacia vera (Qazvini and UCB-1 rootstocks) under in vitro conditions (7782 Views)
The comparision of Organic, conventional and transgenic agricultural production (7629 Views)
Study of Hydrogen Cyanide Effects on Salt Stress Induction in Aeluropus littoralis (7441 Views)
Characterization of Conserved Hypothetical Proteins from Proteome of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, with Ethylene Induction Activity on Arabidopsis thaliana (7399 Views)
A review on potato genetic engineering researches yet (7386 Views)
Study of gene expression profiling of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and thaumatin-like protein in sunflower infected by Sclerotinia stem rot disease (7314 Views)
Ecological Risk Assessment of Genetically-Modified Ornamental Plants (7298 Views)
The effect of rolC gene on the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus (7274 Views)
Study of MYB gene expression under drought stress in some bread wheat cultivars (7269 Views)
Detection alpha-lactalbumin and β-Lactoglobulin gene Polymorphism in East Azarbaijan province native buffalo using PCR-SSCP (7267 Views)
Evaluation of total carbohydrate and soluble sugars in transgenic potato resistant to potato tuber moth (7262 Views)
Cloning and Transformation of Bacteriophage T7 RNA Polymerase in Tobacco (7228 Views)
In silico study of polyamine oxidase (PAO) gene family in grape (7173 Views)
PCR detection of transgenic maize in Iran on the basis of P35S (7159 Views)
Isolation and functional analysis of PSTOL1 from wild species of rice (7133 Views)
Study of cry1Ab transgene locus structure in a transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L., cultivar Tarom Molaii) (7078 Views)
Characterization and sequence of a hydrogen/sodium anti-porter gene in the plasma membrane of the plant Kochia scoparia (7054 Views)
Long Non-Coding RNAs (LncRNAs): Roles, Functions, and Mechanisms (6895 Views)
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:: Most Downloaded Articles
Evaluation the effects of fungicide Iprodione-Carbendazim (Rovral TS) on cucumber rhizosphere bacterial structure by Illumina MiSeq sequencing (24754 Downloads)
Viral vectors as a tool for gene transfer and the production of transgenic animals (16305 Downloads)
P53 researches and cancer therapy (12524 Downloads)
Innate immunity in plants (10715 Downloads)
Long Non-Coding RNAs (LncRNAs): Roles, Functions, and Mechanisms (10181 Downloads)
Transformation and expression of recombinant insulin monomer in Arabidopsis plant (8965 Downloads)
Applications of plant viruses in bionanotechnology (8608 Downloads)
Evaluation of total carbohydrate and soluble sugars in transgenic potato resistant to potato tuber moth (8075 Downloads)
Application of plant viral vectors in biotechnology (7712 Downloads)
Effect of Pirimicarb and Thiamethoxam on detoxification enzyme activity in the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli (Hem: Aphididae) (6753 Downloads)
The activity of ascorbate peroxidase (Cm APX) enzyme and expression level of it's encoding gene in salt stress condition in three Sistan melon Landraces (Cucumis malo L.) (6706 Downloads)
Assessment of hairy roots induction of the medicinal plant Alecost (Tanacetum balsamita L.) using Agrobacterium rhizogenes (6579 Downloads)
Effect of calcium on salt tolerance protein expression and activity of antioxidants in borage under salinity condition (6035 Downloads)
A review on potato genetic engineering researches yet (6021 Downloads)
PCR detection of transgenic maize in Iran on the basis of P35S (5898 Downloads)
Biosafety aspects of deliberate release of recombinant microorganisms in the agricultural environments (5310 Downloads)
Production of Potato Resistant Plant to PVX using an RNA Silencing Mechanism (4989 Downloads)
Study of the genetic network that affecting the growth of breast muscle in Ross chickens under RNA-Seq data (4508 Downloads)
Reduction of applied pesticides and cancer with the cultivation of transgenic crops (4437 Downloads)
Survey of nitrogen fixation on endophytes isolated from root nodules of alder and service (4374 Downloads)
Characterization of Conserved Hypothetical Proteins from Proteome of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, with Ethylene Induction Activity on Arabidopsis thaliana (4166 Downloads)
Study of the effects of lead and cadmium on growth and enzymatic activity of Spinacia oleracea in in vitro condition (4128 Downloads)
The Effect of Nano Cobalt and Nano Chitosan on Artemisinin production and expression of SQS and DBR2 genes in Artemisia annua (4034 Downloads)
Identification and classification of the WRKY transcription factors family in barley (3790 Downloads)
The effect of rolC gene on the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus (3773 Downloads)
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Topics ( 10756 view)
Editorial B ( 8558 view)
New Journal website launched ( 8050 view)
Author Guide for paper submission ( 6057 view)
call for papers ( 5082 view)
Email Journal ( 4531 view)
welcome ( 1850 view)
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New Journal website launched ( 125 send)
welcome ( 86 send)
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New Journal website launched ( 2138 print)
Author Guide for paper submission ( 1980 print)
Topics ( 1323 print)
Editorial B ( 1260 print)
call for papers ( 775 print)
welcome ( 696 print)
Email Journal ( 638 print)
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دوفصل نامه علمی-پژوهشی مهندسی ژنتیک و ایمنی زیستی Genetic Engineering and Biosafety Journal
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